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Accepted Art Files
Vector EPS, INDD, AI, PDF (see image to right)
Omega Composer 2.6 or earlier
TIFF, JPEG (see resolution requirements below)
Large graphics and vehicle wraps should be set up at 1/10th scale at 720 dpi
Small graphics should be set up at full size at 150 to 300 dpi
All fonts must be embedded or converted to outlines (or must supply font file)
Images must be embedded or accompany the composite file
PDF or low res image must accompany all art files so we can ensure art looks as intended with noted cut or print lines
CMYK / PMS Colors
Assign objects the desired PMS solid coated fills
If color adjustments are needed, do not flatten layers
If PMS numbers are to be matched, eps files with vector objects are the easiest to adjust
Digital printing simulates Pantone colors and as such are not an exact match
“Ready to Print” files mean that you have checked the artwork for accuracy and we can move straight to printing without file manipulation. Proportions, size, resolution, etc. are all assumed to be correct.
Acceptable File Transport Methods
Email - 25mb limit
Google Drive

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